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Family and Consumer Education 


TEXT: Children: The Early Years by Celia Anita Decker The Developing Person Through Childhood by Kathleen Berger


COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course covers the development of children from conception through preschool years. The course will help students gain knowledge and skills associated with positive parent and child relationships. Students will have opportunities to work with preschoolers ages 3-5 years and to develop activities for these children related to the physical, social, intellectual and emotional development of children in that age group.






And most importantly RESPECT for all in the class




The student will understand the benefit of learning about children.


The student will understand how brain development supports learning.


The student will examine information about pregnancy and prenatal care.


The student will be able to identify newborns physical, intellectual, and social-emotional needs.


The student will participate in a parent day to learn how caregivers can meet theinfant or toddler’s needs.


The student will discover the areas of development and how caregivers can nurture andstimulate a child’s growth in each area for various age groups.


The student will participate in a playschool to observe the development of children fromages 3-5 years, and apply knowledge from the course as they lead activities that they have developed.


The student will focus on ways to encourage and guide children’s behavior, and develop a respect for diverse cultural backgrounds.


The students will discuss various concerns of children’s families.


TRANSCRIPTED CREDIT:This course may help you earn 3 transcripted credits from Blackhawk Technical Collegeif you meet the following criteria:

A. Sophomore, Junior, or Senior CREDIT standing,

B. Earn a grade of B- or higher AND,

C. Be in attendance at least 85% of the course, which means no more than 6 absences- whether they are excused, or unexcused. (School field trips do not count as an absence).






Child Development



Binder (to keep in class)

Loose Leaf Paper

Pen/pencil needed daily!


ATTENDANCE: It is essential that you come to class. Excessive absences will affect your grade, and will ensure you will not earn the transcripted credit. In the event you are absent,it is your responsibility to make up any assignments you have missed.


TARDINESS: Without a pass, a detention will be issued. You have two days to sit forthe detention---before school, after school, or during lunch. Doesn’t sound like that will fitinto your schedule? Be on time for class!


SEATING: There will be assigned seats. I reserve the right to reassign if necessary.


ID’s: Following school policy, ID’s should be on to enter the class, during class, and as you leave class. They need to be easily visible to me---not in a bookbag, purse, pocket, jacket, etc.


EVALUATION: Grades will be based on class participation, group or individual activities and projects, daily class assignments, some homework, quizzes, tests. Late work will lose points.


GRADING POLICY: (Please see evaluation section above)

A = 93- 100

A- = 91-92

B+ = 89-90

B = 83-88

B- = 80-82

No BTC credit below 80%



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